Re: Stallman and enable-local-variables in bugtraq-digest V1 #64

John Ladwig (
Mon, 12 Dec 1994 10:24:23 -0600

>>>>> On Sun, 11 Dec 1994 19:32:16 -0500, Wm Randolph Franklin <> said:

    WRF> Concerning:

    >> From: Dave Goldberg <> 
    >> Date: Tue, 06 Dec 1994 09:00:26 -0500
    >> Subject: Re: Virus's -- This is an Emacs bomb 
    >> Yeah, I've always wondered why Stallman et al, when they wrote v19,
    >> left enable-local-variables to t when they should have followed what
    >> they did with enable-local-eval which is set to query the user.  At
    >> least it can be turned off or set to query in site-start.el or
    >> default.el.

    WRF> Stallman seems prone to that sort of error.  One of his releases a
    WRF> few years back had something like a 'chmod 777' buried deep in a
    WRF> shell file.  I can't remember the details, but do remember that
    WRF> the person who reported to the net it was outraged.  Seemed to
    WRF> think that it was deliberate.

rms has said to me in mail that he "doesn't like security".

Would that I (and others) had that luxury.
